English –
Company RAu – euzze*
euzze / *öz in Turkish ; the part of something that is central to its existence or character
Starting at 9am New York / 3pm Marseille / 4pm Istanbul
Company RAu now offers an online intensive class with which aiming to go to the fundamentals of their technical preparation as well as a repertory piece. The class will take place on the 18th of May in honor of the 19th of May, which in Turkey is the national youth day. “euzzE” has been developed aiming to connect with the Company’s followers in order to guide them develop technically and find self identity in the movement. In addition to the artistic director Korhan Basaran (Istanbul), the classes will be lead by Nikki Holck (New York) and Elena Valls (Marseilles).
The intensive will begin at (New York 9am / Marseille 3pm/ Istanbul4pm). Starting the workshop with a barre work from Nikki Holck, then we’ll switch to Elena Valls for contemporary session and closing with a repertory work from Korhan Basaran.
As the space is strictly limited for this first session of ‘euzze’, only people who will remain till the end of the class should apply..
The workshop on will be streamed on an online platform, Zoom.
The workshop is free of charge.
Please note that you need to register at ‘info@companyrau.com’ IN ADVANCE for the workshop. Registration will close 30 min before class time. We will email you a ZOOM Link and password 15 min before the start of class.
#euzze #companyRAu #RAu #contemporarydance #nikkiholck #elenavalls #korhanbasaran
Turkish –
Company RAu – euzze
euzze / öz; bir şeyin en kuvvetli veya kıvamlı bölümü; bir seyin temel ögesi
Baslangic Saati 16:00 Istanbul / 15:00 Marseilles / 9:00 New York
Korhan Basaran artistik direktörlüğündeki Company RAu, 18 Mayis 2020’de yogunlastirilmis bir atölye calismasi duzenleyecektir. Cagdas dans alanında uluslararasi platformda calismalarini sürdüren topluluk, New York, Istanbul ve Marseille’den Zoom uzerinden canlı yayinla hem Turkiye hem de dunyanin her yerinden izleyicilere ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. ‘Euzze/Öz’ adli calışma metodu, hazirlik, üretim sureci ve repertuar calismasini içermektedir.
Nikki Holck’un New York’tan yürüteceği çağdaş bar calismasiyla baslayacak olan atölye, Marseille’den Elena Valls’in çağdaş dans teknik egzersizleri ve son olarak Istanbul’dan Korhan Basaran’in repertuar calismasiyla son bulacaktır.
Istanbul saatiyle akşamüstü 16:00’da baslayacak olan calışma yaklaşık 1,5 saat surecektir..
Katilim sinirli sayidadir, dolayisiyla ilk ‘euzze’ seansimiza sonuna kadar takip edecek danscilarin basvurmasini rica ederiz.
Atölye bir internet platformu olan Zoom uzerinden yayımlanacaktır.
Atolye ucretsizdir.
Lütfen atölye icin başvurularinizi ‘info@companyrau.com’ adresine gönderiniz. Basvurular ders saatinden 30 dakika once kapanacaktır ve ders baslamadan 15 dakika once katilim icin şifre sizlerle paylasilacaktir.