DIDO – Balkans Tour

On November 2nd, at the 26th Theater Festival organized by IKSV, all tickets were sold out within a week and the performance of DIDO at Alan Kadıköy, one of Istanbul’s most prestigious young stages, was played to a Sold Out audience.
Later, on March 30th, it was showcased again at Alan Kadıköy.
On May 6th, it was performed at Bursa Sanat Mahal, followed immediately by a presentation at ToPikap, the alternative art center of Thessaloniki, within the city’s first Fringe Festival on May 26th.
On May 28th, Korhan Başaran conducted an intensive “RAu workshop” at Transcendance, one of Thessaloniki’s renowned dance centers, with the participation of young Greek dancers.
On June 3rd, it took place at Theatre Nous, one of Athens’ newly established young stages. On June 29th, it became a guest of the festival of Sfumato, one of Sofia’s esteemed theaters.
Between June 27th and July 3rd, the “La Poetica Fisica II” led by Korhan Başaran was held. It was presented as the closing event of the festival on the evening of July 3rd and was awarded to be completed and included in Sfumato’s 2023-24 Main Season repertoire.
Media Coverage
https://rb.gy/jlevi – DW interview
https://rb.gy/ak5dc – Thesssaloniki / Kokkini
https://www.thisisathens.org/events/dido-queen-carthage – Athens
https://tiyatro.iksv.org/tr/yirmialtinci-istanbul-tiyatro-festivali-2022/dido – Istanbul